Video Marketing Strategies to Boost Website Traffic| SoftLoom IT Solutions

Source: Video Marketing Strategies to Boost Website Traffic| SoftLoom IT Solutions

Video is becoming an increasingly important element in the modern content marketer’s toolkit. When we consider that YouTube alone is the world’s second-largest search engine in the world, there’s a huge relevance to video that marketers can’t ignore.

Companies with dedicated video marketing strategies generate more leads and enjoy better brand awareness than those engaging in all other forms of marketing.

VIdeo Marketing

The Process of Video Marketing

There are three major steps involved in video content marketing. For getting the best results out of Video Marketing you may want to follow these steps precisely.

  • Step 1: Strategy

The first and foremost step is to build a solid strategy. You want to keep in mind the goals for video content marketing, audience insight, researching your competition, video content marketing funnel, and distribution plan.

  • Step 2: Production

Before you start filming your content, consider what do you want to accomplish with your video content campaign.

Do you want to convince your consumers to buy from you? Or you want to raise brand awareness only? Based on the answers, you need to start with the production process.

This process includes three phases: pre-production, production, and post-production.

Pre-production involves everything when the development starts like research, designing, script-writing, hiring crews, and more.

Production is when pre-production is done and it’s time for ‘Action’ when camera rolls and fun starts.

The last one in post-production. This is the stage when the production team edit, adds graphics, videos, visual effects, and sound effects and gives a final touch to the video.

  • Step 3: Marketing

This step involves various components starting from forming a cohesive marketing funnel to sharing video content on social media.


All of this being said, deriving SEO benefits from a video is not that simple. A few videos on YouTube aren’t enough to generate impressive results. Your video marketing needs a focused approach to ensure that your message resonates with your audience.

If you are wondering how video content marketing can improve your SEO, Click here to learn about some effective Video marketing strategies than can help you boost your website traffic.

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